Learning Lab
Alberta Environmental Markets
Information for the Learning Lab Sourced From:
Alberta’s TIER Regulation
The Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction (TIER) Regulation is at the core of emissions management in Alberta. The TIER system implements Alberta’s industrial carbon pricing and emissions trading system. Alberta’s TIER Regulation provides the underlying commodity for Alberta’s emissions compliance markets.
Canadian Carbon Emissions Framework
Government of Alberta TIER Information
Alberta Environmental Markets FAQ:
How do I find a broker to help me buy and sell Alberta TIER credits?
Is there a standard purchase and sale agreement for buying and selling Alberta TIER credits?
No, there is not a standard agreement, but there are terms and conditions that have been generally accepted by most participants. For assistance with legal agreements for Alberta TIER credit trading, contact Courtney Burton.
Is there insurance to help mitigate the risks of buying and selling Alberta TIER credits?
Yes, there are a wide variety of insurance and bonding products that can facilitate trading of Alberta TIER credits. For more information, contact Martin Delaney.
What is the future looking like for Alberta TIER credits?
That’s a complicated question and there is some analysis out there from various parties. Dave Stuart, from Stuart Consulting, has been conducting research in the space and authored this paper titled Carbon Market Metrics and Opportunities An Alberta Perspective. For more information, contact Dave Stuart.
How does TIER compliance pricing work?
There are numerous compliance options for TIER regulated facilities. Those options include the use of emissions performance credits (produced and traded by facilities that exceed their emission reduction obligations), the use of Alberta-based emissions offsets, or payment into a TIER fund. Payments into the TIER fund get more costly each year, thus creating more demand for trading credits to meet compliance obligations.
How do the vintages work for Alberta Emission Offsets and for Emission Performance Credits? When do the credits expire?
TIER Emissions Offset Vintage Expiry Calendar
TIER Emissions Performance Credit Vintage Expiry Calendar
TIER Fund Compliance Price
What are the emission offset status definitions from the Alberta Carbon Registries?
This table is sourced from Open Alberta here.